+260 978617006

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Who we are ?

A Private college registered with the higher education authority.

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Our Programmes

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School Of Social Sciences

The School of Social Sciences is an academic department or division within a university or educational institution that focuses on the study of various aspects of human society and behavior. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines and fields of study that explore how individuals and groups interact, how societies are organized, and how social, cultural, economic, and political factors shape human behavior and institutions. see more...

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School Of Education

A School of Education is an academic department or institution within a university or college that is dedicated to the study, research, and practice of education. Its primary mission is to prepare individuals to become educators, administrators, researchers, and leaders in the field of education. Here are some key aspects of a School of Education: see more...

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School Of Business

A "School of Business" typically refers to an academic department or institution within a university or college that is focused on offering undergraduate and graduate programs in business-related disciplines. These schools play a crucial role in preparing students for careers in various aspects of business, management, and entrepreneurship. Here is a brief overview of what a School of Business entails see more...

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How we do

A fresh approach to education for college students

Our Approach

    The empowerment of the individuals through self-learning to achieve the joint evolution of the world through a holistic education for sustainable development based on andragogy. see more...

  • Mission Statement

    To be a learning institution that contributes to a vision of national sustainability through training, research, and acting as a model in our own physical operation. see more...

  • Philosophy

    How we think shows through in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking.”

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